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Variables can be defined by using assign or var
[...] = optional ... = your value
assign $...=...
var $...=...
assign and var are interchangeable
Standard Xtscript variables are of the form $name
The examples in this manual all use var ... its shorter.
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# assign a variable
var $a = 120
print \$a=$a<br />

#a variable from a equation
var $b=($a*42)
print \$b=$b<br />

#a string variable
var $c = some words
print \$c=$c<br />

# a variable from a function
var $d=call mt_rand $min=100; $max=200
print \$d=$d<br />

# multi line pre formatted text variable using double curly brackets
var $f={{
multi line
pre formatted text
assigned to a 
print \$f=<pre>$f</pre>
Show in textarea
$c=some words
multi line
pre formatted text
assigned to a 
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