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All of xt:scripts functions and tools can be used to output fully customized javascript
As long as you follow a few rules and work within the constraints and peculiarities of Xtscript
Brackets containing maths or anything that could be evaluated as maths
should either be output with print_raw or broken up so the brackets are on separate lines
semi colons at the end of a print or print_raw line will be ignored so to add a semicolon at the end of a line use ; ; (semicolon space semicolon)
Show in textarea
var $message=Hello World
# assign a space char to a variable
var $space=call chr $val=32
#assign brackets to variables
var $bra=call chr $val=40
var $ket=call chr $val=41
print <script type="text/javascript">
print document.write("*
print $space$message$space
var $message=call str_ireplace $subject=$message;$search=world;$replace=everyone
print * $message$space
print *<br />"); ;
print document.write $bra'This will also work'$ket; ;                    
print </script>
Show in textarea
* Hello World * Hello everyone *
This will also work
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