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* Graham  
Forum Translations
The forum has been updated to allow for translations into any language
Please note that this will not work with current customized twig files

To translate the texts for the forum first create a folder in your main file browser (root directory)
The translation file is at
upload it to the _xtgem_translations folder by "remote server" and then remove the .js extension

The format of the translations is: translation_key = translation_text // comment
Some of the translations contain code as well as text like
<a href="{a:1}">a post</a>
Take care not to create errors with these
Each translation must be on a separate line

If the xtforum file exists no default translations for forum will be loaded unless you delete this file.
2014-08-06 12:38 (edited 2014-08-20 04:22 by Graham ) · (0)

Online: Guests: 1

XtGems forum function

Add it from the building tool blocks under social
NOTE: One forum per site
Adding multiple blocks will produce the same forum

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building tool controls

Building tool forum block controls Allow guest posting: yes/no default is yes
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Forum controls (on forum page)

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You can set your own css for the xtgem forum function
The standard css file is at http://xtgem.com/css/xtforum.css you can copy/paste it or upload it by remote server to your root directory (main filebrowser)
And then rename it
This will then automatically become your forums css template

Forum Twig

There is a pair of twig template files available for the forum

Create a folder in your root directory (main file browser) named _xtgem_templates
Then download these files by "remote server option" to that folder and remove the . js extensions after download
Twig documentation for templates

Forum Translations

To translate the texts for the forum first create a folder in your main file browser (root directory) _xtgem_translations
The translation file is at

Upload it to the _xtgem_translations folder by "remote server" and then remove the .js extension
The format of the translations is:
translation_key = translation_text // optional comment
Some of the translations contain code as well as text like
<a href="{a:1}">a post</a&\gt;
Take care not to create errors with these
Each translation must be on a separate line
If the xtforum file exists no default translations for forum will be loaded unless you delete this file.
Also see
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